The Role of False Color Composites and AI in Mineral Exploration

 In standard satellite images, the Earth is shown in natural colors, similar to how we see it with the naked eye. To broaden that perspective, in TerraEye we have implemented False Color Composites (FCC). FCC images utilize different spectral bands that are invisible to human vision, highlighting geological features based on how materials reflect light at various wavelengths. The technique works by assigning different spectral bands to red, green, and blue (RGB) channels giving the new colored composites of the analysed region. FCC images highlight surface features related to mineralization that may otherwise go undetected in standard imagery. This process allows for the identification of different rock types and mineralization zones based on their spectral characteristics.

When enhanced with AI-powered algorithms, spectral indices, and lineament maps, FCC analysis provides highly precise insights that streamline the mineral discovery process.

Interpreting FCC for Mineral Exploration

FCC is especially useful in the early stages of mineral exploration as it helps to better understand the surface geology of the explored area. Visualization of different FCC may help to distinguish structures that were not recognized with the use of standard satellite imagery or early geological mapping.

False Color Composites and the power of satellite data in TerraEye

The combination of False Color Composites, AI analysis, spectral indices, and lineament mapping greatly enhances the efficiency and accuracy of mineral exploration. This synergy of different techniques aims to give you the most insights into your explored property by highlighting lithologies, mineralization zones, linear structures, and spectrally similar areas.

The aim is simple – fast, precise and cost-effective mineral deposit discovery. Use our carefully predefined False Color Composites to get a new perspective on your property.

For more information on how TerraEye’s FCC and AI solutions can support your exploration projects, contact us today.

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